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Invisionary Themes & Design

How to cancel a theme or plugin renewal

Graham S

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When you purchase a theme or plugin from Invisionary Themes and Design, you'll also get access to the latest available updates as well as exclusive client support!

When the active period for your theme or plugin ends (usually a year for themes), we'll send you an automatic optional renewal. You'll also receive a handy reminder in advance.

Simply remember to pay the renewal before it expires, to keep your product active and continue to receive your Invisionary Client benefits for another period!

The renewal is fully optional, and you can cancel it before it expires if you prefer. You cancel it via the steps shown below.

(The screenshots shown may be different if you have a different theme selected, or are using a mobile device, but the process is the same).

When you cancel a Renewal

If you decide to cancel the renewal, you can still access the last updated version of the file, but please be aware that you won't be able to download any future versions of that product, please see below for further information.

Also, unless you have another active purchase (theme or plugin etc), remember you will also lose access to the Invisionary Client Support areas and membership benefits such as exclusive member discounts.

If you change your mind, you can re-purchase the product from scratch from within the Store.

Cancelling a product early BEFORE renewal

A word of caution! Please be careful if you choose to cancel your purchase early before a renewal is generated, because you will lose access to latest versions, updates and member benefits for the file even though you've paid for them!

Example: You purchase a theme, it comes with 12 months of updates and support. However, you decide to cancel the product after 3 months. You will lose your entitlements for the remaining 9 months.

How to Cancel A Renewal

To cancel a renewal, you can do it from your Client Area Manage Purchases or via the product itself from within our Store...

Cancelling a Renewal via Manage Purchases

From the main Navigation Menu, choose Store then Manage Purchases. A list of your purchased will then open...



Click Manage for your expiring purchase. The details will now show. Look for the Cancel Renewals option, near the details of your purchase...



Next, click Cancel Renewal, and follow the instructions to confirm the cancellation. You can also choose Cancel if you are unsure...




Cancelling a Renewal via the Product Description page within the Store

First locate the product in our store. If you have an active purchase of that product, you'll see an option to cancel renewals or view the purchase details...


After cancelling a renewal

If you have other active purchases such as a theme or plugin, you still have access to them and you'll remain in the Invisionary Clients members group. Otherwise, you account membership will change to the standard Members group.

If you are unsure, have any concerns or need assistance, please do get in touch. 🙂

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